Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reasons Why Single Women Go For Taken Men

Taken men are more prone to outside enticements, because of so many reasons. One of those reasons why men can’t keep their pants on is because some women have problems saying NO to them. One can’t help but wonder, what pathetic incident happened in a single woman’s life that made her go for taken-men? Being brought- up from a dysfunctional family perhaps? The need to get even after being cheated? Boredom? Well, whatever the reason is, it’s twisted and downright wrong. Still, we can’t deny the fact that single women with married men are a common scenario these days. For whatever it’s worth here are some common reasons why single women go for taken men.

The forbidden fruit syndrome. This started in a garden called Eden, where Eve, the first woman ever created sinks her teeth into the one piece of fruit that The Powerful Creator forbade to eat.

From this fateful incident, started a long line of women who can’t help themselves to get a bite of something forbidden. Until to this modern day, some women always want what they cannot have.

Ego inflator. There is nothing more ego boosting than knowing that you are irresistibly hot. And for some single women out there, the thought of a married man risking his years of relationship for one steamy night of sweltering sex with her makes her feel nothing more than the Goddess of Beauty herself.

"The Good Ones Are Taken" belief. Some twisted single ladies view taken men as parking spaces- the good and convenient ones are always taken.

These dumbass girls believe that uncommitted guys are single for a reason, therefore, believe that men who are spoken-for are worth going after.

The Challenge of it all. Some girls are just psychotic enough to see taken men as a challenge. They have guys surrounding them, pursuing them, but it’s just like bagging candies on Halloween. These girls want guys who are involved, in love and committed. The adrenaline rush of a man trying to fight-off her guile only makes her want him more. Simply put, they view all this as a sport.

Bullying. Some ladies are just mean to the core. They simply have it out for their own gender. These are the girls who bully other girls in grade school, they pull their pig-tails and take their lunch money, now they take their man.

Getting Even. Some girls are just damaged enough and think that having an affair with a married man will even out the score. These girls have been cheated several times and may have been rejected several times. These girls are clouded with bitterness and anger, and believes that if she can’t have a happy ending of her own, then nobody can.

The X-factor. You can’t deny the fact that taken men have that quiet confidence in them. They exude security and a sense of contentment. Moreover, taken men dress better, look better, and smell better, why wouldn’t they? They have a woman who takes care of them. And this quiet confidence and sense of security make them irresistible to the population of loose, damaged girls.

The author of this article, Ruth Purple, is a Relationship Expert who has been successfully coaching individuals and couples in their relationships. Get A Copy of her sensational ebook on winning your man back from infidelity . Alternatively click here for Amazon's Kindle Edition .

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